Obviously, leaving unused lights on wastes the energy that it takes to keep them illuminated, but have you ever considered the heat these lights omit? This means not only are you paying to keep uninhabited rooms lit, you’re also paying more for your A/C to cool these rooms down. Be smart: turn off lights that aren’t in use.
Many people believe that turning your A/C off during the day is a great way to save money on your electric bill. However, it has been proven that cooling a hot house uses more energy than maintaining a constant temperature. Instead of turning the A/C completely off, try just raising the temperature a few degrees.
Did you know that some electric companies reward people with discounted rates for doing laundry during their slow hours, or “off-peak” times? These times vary by the company, but typically begin around 8pm. Contact your local electric provider for exact times and rates.
Filters are great for catching all of the particles one would prefer not to breathe in on a regular basis. Keep in mind that the more debris your filter collects, the harder it gets for air to be pushed through said filter, wasting energy and ultimately, money. Replace filters every 3 months for optimal results.
Everyone likes to enjoy a little bit of sunshine inside of their home. However, most people don’t realize the amount of heat that little bit of sunshine is actually radiating in their home. Rule of thumb: if no one is in the room to enjoy the sunshine, close the blinds/ curtains.
Your dryer is an energy sucker, especially in the summer. Not only does it take a large amount of energy to run, but the heat that it omits makes your A/C have to run even harder to keep up. Let the sun work in your favor for once! Hang your clothing outside, or even inside, for energy saving drying.
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